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  • Unit Trusts and OEICs: Open-Ended Investment Companies (OEICs) and Unit Trusts are often attractive to those that wish to invest but don’t have the knowledge or expertise to go it alone.
  • Investment bonds: This investment vehicle can be used as a valuable tax and investment planning tool as part of a portfolio of personal investments or investments made on behalf of a Trust.
  • ISAs: Stocks and shares ISAs offer the possibility of higher returns than their cash alternatives but they do come with higher associated risk.
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Only 18% of UK consumers actively utilise wealth management services, don’t be one of the 82%.

When it comes to planning for you and your family’s financial future, how you choose to invest will depend entirely on your personal circumstances and what you want to achieve.

For example, if you’re investing for your retirement you will need to employ a different strategy than if you’re aiming for a shorter term goal. With so many investment options available there are a multitude of products that could help you to achieve your medium and long-term objectives.

Your Fairstone adviser will work with you to create an investment plan that balances your key objectives with your attitude to risk, accounting for your current and potential tax position. We will also develop the best investment management plan for you, to help ensure that your money is working as hard as possible to help you achieve your goals.

Our experienced network of investment advisers are completely independent and can help you access the whole investment market, advising on the most appropriate choice for you and your family.

Investment management - your key questions, answered

What is an investment bond?

Investment bonds are single premium investments which usually offer an open ended term and a variety of different investment options can be accommodated within this tax efficient wrapper.

What is an OEIC?

Open-Ended Investment Companies (OEICs) and Unit Trusts are seen by many as the most popular investment funds available. Both are a type of collective investment where you invest your money alongside other investors, spreading the risks involved.

When investing in an OEIC you buy shares in the company itself.  The company uses the pooled funds from all the investors to buy assets on your behalf, such as stocks and shares, gilts, and property. The investment is ‘open-ended’ as the assets (represented by your shares), can be changed, bought or sold at any time.

Are investment bonds subject to tax?

An investment bond operates under special rules which give the opportunity to plan income and defer potential income tax liabilities and any gains made are not subject to capital gains tax on the policyholders.

What are the minimum requirements for an ISA?

As there are usually no minimum periods of investment and limited tax implications, ISAs can be an attractive proposition, especially to those paying tax.

Starting your investment management plan with Fairstone

Creating and maintaining the right investment strategy is vital to achieving your financial goals.

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With over 50 locations nationwide we strive to provide local, face to face advice to over 90,000 clients.

Chartered and Defaqto status

Fairstone is proud to incorporate one of the UK's largest Chartered financial planning firms as well as our managed investment portfolio's being Defaqto 5-star rated for seven consecutive years.

Committed to quality

Don't just take our word for it. Our clients have, and continue to rate us 5 stars on Truspilot with over 9,000 reviews.

Matching you with the right local adviser for your needs

We have over 1200 local advisers and staff specialising in investment advice all the way through to retirement planning.

Provide some basic details through our quick and easy to use online tool, and we’ll provide you with the perfect match.

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  • 1 Tell us about your financial goals
  • 2 Tell us about yourself
  • 3 We'll get in touch to match you to an adviser