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Fairstone Private Wealth specialises in providing high quality investment solutions for private clients, businesses and charities.

Our Discretionary Model Portfolio Service (MPS) is an investment management service we offer in conjunction with financial advisers which comprises of a range of diversified investment portfolios.  The portfolios are designed to meet a range of different investment objectives across the risk spectrum.

Our Core growth range has achieved and maintained a Five-Star Defaqto rating for 7 years.

Fairstone Private Wealth is part of the Fairstone Group, a full-service wealth management house redefining the UK financial planning market. Including one of the UK’s largest Chartered Financial Planning firms, we operate across over 50 locations nationwide and are recognised as one of the fastest growing financial services organisations in the country. Our over 90,000 clients are at the heart of everything we do from providing a wide range of personalised wealth management solutions to ensuring an active and on-going review process. That is why they have rated us the number 1 wealth management firm on Trust Pilot.

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Asset Allocation

Our portfolios are constructed using a wide range of asset classes including equities, fixed interest, property, commodities and cash.  The exposure to multiple asset classes ensures that clients are invested in a diversified range of assets each of which are likely to perform differently depending on the market conditions.

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Fund and Stock Selection

The Portfolio Manager will select one of more funds or investment vehicles. They use their expertise backed up by thorough quantitative and qualitative to select solutions that are aligned to the portfolio objectives.

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Centralised Portfolio Management

We manage the portfolios centrally and execute all of the trades on behalf clients through a nominated investment platform.

Fairstone Private Wealth specialises in providing high quality investment solutions for private clients, businesses and charities.

Our 90,000 clients are at the heart of everything we do from providing a wide range of personalised wealth management solutions to ensuring an active and on-going review process. That is why they have rated us the number 1 wealth management firm on Trust Pilot.

Fairstone Private Wealth are one of the fastest growing Discretionary Investment Managers in the UK working in conjunction with external financial planning firms and financial advisers in the Fairstone Group.

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Anti-Bribery Policy

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Regulatory Disclosure

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Best Execution Policy

Contact Us

2nd Floor, 88 Leadenhall Street, London, EC3A 3BP

T: 0207 665 8560